Recruit, train, and challenge young men to become godly leaders who take responsibility and leave a lasting impact on society for the Kingdom. 

We believe this is one of the best ways not only to teach, but also to allow boys to live out brotherhood, masculinity, and the Good News of Jesus Christ.


If you have any questions let us know! We will get in touch with you!


From 30 of June till 4th of July, 2025, at the campsite “Ganības” in Latvia.  

Apply by May 31, 2025.  


Baltic Pastoral Institute (BPI) has been successfully organizing BPI DRAFTS camps for young  men, age 14-19, since 2009. Originally BPI DRAFTS grew out of our understanding that the  Church in Latvia, the Baltics and beyond needs men who live godly lives, have grasped God's  calling for their lives, are ready to take responsibility and lead their families and local churches.  However, one does not become such a person overnight. Researchers claim that the time  between age of 14 and 19 is decisive in a young man's life. During this period, his identity is  formed, he starts becoming a man and is searching for his calling and place in this world. We  believe that the investment into the future leaders  should start during their  teenage years when important choices are made, and the character of a man is formed in  significant ways.  

The goal of BPI DRAFTS camps is to help young men understand the Gospel, develop their  character, grasp their calling, as well as to catch the vision and excitement about church and church ministry.  

The foundational principle of BPI DRAFTS is “learning by experiencing”. It means that  participants come to know and test their understanding in various practical assignments.  Also, their performance is assessed in the light of the knowledge and understanding they have  gained.  

We do understand that one week in a camp is not enough to develop character and leadership  skills. To provide an ongoing challenge and support to the young men, we provide high-quality  mentoring throughout the year.  

When selecting participants for BPI DRAFTS camps, We are not looking for those who are  perfect but for those who are called. We are not looking for those who are comfortable but those  who are courageous. We are not looking for “know it all's” but rather for the responsible ones. We  are not looking for the “senders” but rather for those who are ready to be sent.

We recognize that God has blessed us by helping develop something unique, necessary and  helpful to Latvia's churches and young men. As we have been attempting to explain BPI  DRAFTS concept and program to our friends and partners in other countries, we have come to  realize that it is not possible to explain BPI DRAFTS, it must be experienced.  For this reason, we want to bless you, your church and young men by inviting you to BPI DRAFTS INTERNATIONAL 2024.


1. BPI DRAFTS INTERNATIONAL experience is intended only for young men, not women.  

2. Young men, age 14-19, are welcome to apply. We accept no more than 5 participants  from one country.  

3. We invite also the leaders related to youth ministry, church planting, student ministry or  other organization which focuses on developing young leaders. You should also be  interested in using the BPI DRAFTS concept in the context of your country, church and  organization, and/ or in developing your local version of it.  


1. An amazing experience with a variety of engaging and challenging activities.  

2. Training for leaders, including program and explanation of our approach and values.  

3. Well-spent time with young people from different countries.  

4. An opportunity to enjoy the great beach of the Baltic Sea.  

5. Three meals per day.  

6. Good quality accommodation.  


● The cost of BPI DRAFTS INTERNATIONAL experience  is 350 USD  per person. Registration open till May 31.  

● The cost includes camp expenses. It does not include travel expenses to Latvia.  

